[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
During the summer "Economist" was kind enough to give us a three-year clothing budget for herself. Now comes the request that we take the question of a clothing budget for a whole family. What proportion of the farm income should go for clothes for the ordinary family? How fast do clothing expenses increase as the child grows older?
Since our oldest child is only 9, we can't give personal experiences beyond that. Suppose we draw up a sample budget and invite comments on it. Will you please look over the list following and let us know whether you think it would cover the needed clothing for a child, say, 4 to 10 years old? If the amount is too small, how much shall we increase it? If it is large enough, how much can you cut it down by using leftovers, remnants, make-overs, home sewing and bar- gains? We make the list, assuming that the child is in "going order"; that is, we are not trying to outfit a child who has nothing, but one who has had all he required the preceding year, and this list is to cover what would need to be bought for him in one calendar year.
Requirements of the Child
One good suit of underwear, winter - $1.50
Two summer union sults - $1.00
Six pair hose at 35 cents - $2.10
Shoes and overshoes for winter - $6.75
Shoes and rubbers for summer - $6.75
Caps, mittens, ties, ribbons, etc. - $6.00
Coat (for good) - $10.00
Suit or good dress - $10.00
Sweater - $2.50
Shirts, or common dresses - $3.00
Overalls, or play dresses or knickers - $5.00
Total - $54.60
In our county our champion in the girls' 4H club a year ago estimated that a budget of $80 a year would outfit her for high school. A woman probably would not require much different than a high school girl. We have had no figures on a man's clothing budget, but if we can work out fair amount for the other members of the family, Dad can use whatever is left.
It we use the family described in the following letter -— mother, father and five children ranging from 9 years to 1 1/2, our tentative clothing budget would total up (allowing the same for both parents): Father and mother, $160: five children at $55 each, $275; total, $430. However, in a family that size there would be considerable saving in handing down outgrown clothing from one child to another, especially in the item of good coats and dresses. How does this figuring compare with what you and your family spend for clothing? -Hope.