[Below this line is a transcription of the article written by Hope Needham which is displayed above.]
Christmas! The very word warms the heart, for it is the season of joy and happiness. Why Is it that there is more real joy at the Christmastide than at any other time of year? It is not the weather; it comes in wintry December. Christmas Day, itself, is one of the shortest of the days, we have less daylight than at any other period, yet it is the season of peace and good will, in spite of darkness and cold. Why? The answer to our question is not hard to find: There is more joy in the souls of men because we have just a little more of the spirit of Him whose birth we celebrate. Jesus came into our world and taught men, by His life and death, that the way of joy and peace lies along the road of lobe and service.
It is that spirit that makes Christmas, and wherever men and women practice the "Jesus way" there is peace and joy.
May He who came to Bethlehem in the long ago be welcomed to our hearts and homes this Christmastide, and not only on that day, but all the days.
O Jesus ever with us stay,
Make all our moments calm and bright;
Chase the dark night of sin away,
She o'er the world They holy light.--P Ivison, Paston of Hopewell Church
This is the Christmas message from our whole community of Sunrise to all of you everywhere. I asked our minister to greet you for us, for Christmas is so much more than a personal matter. It is a world-wide spirit of gentleness, tolerance, and love. Once more, Merry Christmas! --Hope.